Senin, 18 April 2011

Islamic Kingdom of Cirebon

Since the Kingdom of Demak Destroyed Fatahillah trying to take over coconut Sundanese, Cirebon offerings and become an independent kingdom

Fatahillah build the kingdom of Cirebon in terms of Islam, a widening of the street clean and tidy and obedient to the religion.

Fatahillah because of his services he was dubbed the Statesman, spreaders of Islam, Politicians and Experts war

In 1570, Fatahillah died and was buried in the village of Gunung Jati, the foot of the mountain Ceremeh; South Cirebon, so he called Sunan Gunung Jati.

Mataram is very respectful to Cirebon for Cirebon was founded by one or Wali Songo Sunan.   

The Smart Cow

At one time there was a lion saw a fat ox was eating grass and sturdy edge of the river, deep down inside the lion thought, "Look! Body fat and more meat, and four sturdy thighs, until my saliva dripping! "

Then the lion thought of a way to trap this bull. Therefore, he ran home to his house to provide an iron spear and a large bucket, fishing bull into his trap, he hopes to find opportunities to distract the cow so that she could easily eat the bull.
After preparing everything, go ketepi river lion said to the bull, "Mr. Cow, I would like to invite you dinner at my house, I have provided a delicious dish to serve to you."
Bull looked at the lion said, "Why you no reason to invite me having dinner with you?" Lion with a laugh replied, "Because I want to be friends with you." Male cow feels weird but still accepted his invitation.
Ox lion until disebuah follow the house cave lions, cave lions into a bull while standing in the mouth of the cave but thorough look at the situation around and looked into the cave, inside the cave there is absolutely no such delicacy called by a lion, there is a furnace waiting on the fire that there was a large bucket containing water and an iron spear.
Bull tactics are not well aware, without saying sepatahpun then turned to leave. When the lion left him and then realized the bull chase bull behind him asked, "Why not say sepatahpun thou forsaken me?"
Bull replied, "I do like this is why, because I know the fine cuisine that you do not mean to entertain me, but you mean to make me a meal lezatmu." After saying this bull quickly leave the lion alone.
It was invited to eat someone is encouraging, but must carefully look at his surroundings and understand one's purpose, to avoid things that could endanger better not to accept invitations from strangers.

Shenyun Performing at Top Chicago Theater

American Shenyun consecutive run 10 performances at the Civic Opera House Chicago's top theaters in chicago, Illinois from December 15 to 24 April. Chicago city government agencies, political leaders of each issue praise, praise Shenyun appeared orthodox Chinese culture, without pollution of the communist party culture.
According to the report Dajiyuan 15 April, 50 members of the Chicago City Council including the mayor of Chicago Richard M. Daley issued a unanimously approved resolution, respect for Shenyun Performing Arts, the resolution pointed out that "the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party destroyed the traditional morals and faith, it causes spiritual and moral vacuum of China," and show Shenyun exactly is the "appearance back the real orthodox Chinese culture" . there is no pollution of the Communist Party culture, restore the cultural heritage that has long been discarded, can be described as the Renaissance of Chinese culture. "

Apart from the Chicago City Council, including the parliament Illinois, Cook district government agencies, the Governor of Illinois, district president of Cook County, Illinois senator, congressmen were all very fascinated and send messages of congratulations came to Shenyun.

On 13 April, the Chicago City Council passed a resolution stating support for the show Sheyun 2011. Even pay tribute to the show Shenyun. In the resolution said, the show is really Shenyun apparition again orthodox Chinese culture is truly without pollution Culture communist party, restore the cultural heritage that has long been discarded, can be described as the Renaissance of Chinese culture.

The resolution also said "the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party destroyed the traditional morals and faith, causing spiritual and moral vacuum in China."

Governor of Illinois Pat. Quinn in his letter said, "solemn ceremony today in the land of Lincoln, has given a rare opportunity to all Chinese Americans to review their own cultural traditions, simultaneously also provides the opportunity for all Americans to recognize traditional Chinese culture, and can be more understanding cultural heritage and history of China that is more profound. "

Durbin writes: "I praise Shenyun classical Chinese culture spread to various places in the world. Major Shenyun has provided a best opportunity to people of all countries, including Chicago to get to know the show Shenyun, feast of traditional Chinese art."
Kirk wrote in his letter "every member Shenyun is valuable from the traditional interpretation of Chinese culture: Good and compassion, honor, perseverance, wisdom and sincerity. I believe every audience the show would really like."
Congress Mike Quigley said in his congratulatory letter, "Chicago can invite performances like this, we also want to take the opportunity to say thank Shenyun that showed Chinese culture past and future to us, especially the Chinese in our city."
Over the past 5 years Shenyun established, with a show that pure and beautiful, sophisticated and most of his work, displaying the essence of the spirit of Chinese culture for five thousand years, have conquered millions of viewers around the world. This year is the fifth time Shenyun back to the city of Chicago. Furthermore, chicago also home to the greatest performances of the group during performances Shenyun North American tour this year.

Minggu, 17 April 2011

Tornado Tewaskan Belasan Warga Amerika

Charleston - Tornado yang memporak-porandakan wilayah Carolina pada Sabtu (16/4) waktu setempat, menewaskan 18 warga. Tornado muncul akibat badai di seluruh bagian selatan Amerika Serikat selama tiga hari terakhir.
Seorang montir di toko ban di Raleigh, North Carolina, mengatakan ia berlindung di truknya sementara beberapa rekan kerjanya berlindung di ruang dalam ketika topan menerjang.

"Suasanya seperti negara. Saya mulai melihat atap bergetar lalu terpental dan hilang," kata Bryan Jackson.
Daerah di sebelah selatan pusat kota Raleigh berantakan. Tiang telepon roboh, tiang listrik tumbang, puing atap dan pecahan kaca bertebaran.

Satu orang yang tewas akibat topan di sebelah utara Elizabethtown, North Carolina, menurut Layanan Darurat Bladen County.

Enam orang cedera ketika tornado menerjang Berkeley County, South Carolina, National Weather Service.

Petugas layanan tersebut mengatakan sebagian rumah mobil terbalik di Lee County, North Carolina, akibat terpaan angin kencang. Petugas meteorologi setempat mengatakan kekuatan topan itu turun saat mendekati pantai.

Di Ray Price Harley-Davidson di Raleigh, sebanyak 500 orang telah meninggalkan acara terbuka musim panas toko tersebut sebelum topan menerjang sekitar pukul 16:00 waktu setempat.

"Kami sangat beruntung," kata Dave Hushek, manager dealer itu. "Suaranya seperti deru kereta yang melaju di dekat kita. Angin menuju ke sini dan kemudian tiba-tiba angin tersebut berubah arah." Topan itu telah menimbulkan kerusakan besar dari Oklahoma pada Kamis malam (14/4) hingga ke dalam wilayah South Carolina pada Jumat dan terus bergerak menuju East Coast pada Sabtu.

Pada Jumat tujuh orang tewas di Alabama, tujuh di Arkansas dan satu di Mississippi. Dua orang tewas pada Kamis malam, ketika tornado meluluh-lantakkan banyak bangunan di Tushka, Oklahoma.

Kura-kura Mini Seukuran Buah Anggur

Bertemu dengan berbagai hambatan, kebanyakan hewan-hewan akan berupaya belajar dengan keras.
Kura-kura mini ini membuktkan sesuatu yang lebih menantang. Hal itu disebabkan karena reptil ini hanya memiliki ukuran sebesar buah anggur. Kura-kura yang memiliki berat 6 gram dan maksimum hanya mencapai 500 g ini, termasuk hewan yang terancam punah.
Reptil yang berasal dari Mesir dan Libya ini bertahan hidup hingga sekitar 10 tahun.
Namun karena habitat mereka di Mesir dihancurkan, kini mereka mengalami kepunahan di negara tersebut dan terancam punah pula secara global. Hewan yang juga dikenal dengan nama kura-kura Mesir atau kura-kura Leith ini merupakan spesies terkecil dari jenis ini di belahan bumi utara.
Memiliki warna emas pucat hingga coklat gelap, sebuah karakteristik yang memungkinkan mereka untuk tinggal di gurun panas dalam jangka waktu yang panjang karena dapat berkamuflase.
Habitat hewan ini seringkali terdapat di daerah kering, berpasir, hutan kering dan wilayah semak belukar yang mereka pilih. Makanan mereka terdiri dari rumput, buah-buahan dan sayuran.